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Hooked on classiques
Since George Bush and his bunch of fuckheads have stuffed it up for most of us, purchasing exotique imported musique off the Internerd is becoming something that only the truly elite can afford to do. SO in my struggling state and via ANY MEANS NECESSARY via mutual bartering amongst other nerds who haven't got their lives together pushing 40, I stumbled upon this latest 'opus' by techno heavyweights MORITZ VON OSWALD and CARL CRAIG (who I'd only rank as a bantam weight)...SO the two tweakers have sifted through the Germanic tradition of classical music and remixed some of it into a very nice Phillip Glass pre-1980 type drone build-up infused with the shuffla offa Manuel Gottisching's E2-E4 - a track Craig already fucked with some years ago..Startin' off with the waltz from Bolero the track fanfares and wanders up until the 20 odd-minute mark when the drugs start to kick in, and then those Afro-Jamaican type kettle drums start to wobble in and the Pine-Needle poke of techno tweakiness and brain-abstract- layer reconstruct slithers's still pimping away now, but it seems that the 'nu style' for the technosepickers is upon us...
And for any other persona out there that bother to read this Blug, I am back in Melbourne, Australia, knowledgeable that my town is actually more 'interesting' and 'happening' than the New York City I was just at!
Since when have Ravel and Mussorgsky belonged to any kind of "Germanic" tradition?
Are you aware that Europe actually contains other countries besides Germany?
Fully aware. The tracks were performed by German orchestras. Besides, everyone know the German make the best techno, are you envious or something, or worse ENGLISH??!!
Furthermore, while the Germans undoubtedly make the best Techno, the English may be tossers but undoubtedly make the best dubstep. In my book dubstep has been much more intersting than techno during the last 4 years.
So bring on your anti-dubstep tirade...
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